
Healthcare is a top issue in Senate District 5 and the State of Colorado. There are several areas in healthcare that need focus.

The first — The healthcare worker employment pipeline needs repaired. It is no secret that Colorado is suffering from a healthcare worker shortage. I have sponsored and supported several pieces of legislation that address this issue. Legislation such as: Funding for Rural Healthcare (SB24-221), which places more funding for rural hospitals and appropriated more funds for rural universities to further develop healthcare worker training. Most importantly, this law brings medical and other healthcare students to rural areas to train and practice, while they are in school.

The second — Primary healthcare access is critical to our rural 5th District. The state of Colorado needs investment in primary care and alternative care options outside of emergency department services. Emergency services are the most expensive services for hospitals, which ultimately get passed down to patient’s billing. Colorado’s investment in primary care needs to be data driven and any implemented polices need to emphasize efficacy, efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency.

The third — I am a rural legislator. Colorado needs to invest more in rural healthcare access. Recent studies such as: Colorado Health Institute’s Mapping Data A to Z: Emergency Department Use, found that rural Coloradans were 4.7x more likely to visit the emergency department 3 times or more in a year than our urban and suburban populations. That studied hinted that one of the reasons is few alternatives to the emergency department. Investments in rural clinics, telehealth, and convenience alternative care are places where I have and will continue to support.

Mental Health

Mental health and mental health care is apart of healthcare. I believe there is a mental health issue in the state of Colorado and in the 5th Senate District. I am committed to helping our neighbors that are struggling with mental health and substance disorders. Colorado’s investment in resolving these issues help build stronger and more resilient communities. My time in the legislature, I have worked and delivered on legislation that addressed mental health.

The mental health impacts on young folks is startling. I am committed to helping our communities address mental health crises in our young communities.

Abortion & Women’s Health

I encourage everyone to vote their conscience on the ballot measure addressing abortion in the state of Colorado. I believe that it important that the state of Colorado comes to more of a consensus on what unities most people. I respect that there is a diversity of opinions on this matter. I, personally, support life. I believe that any limits on abortion should ensure exception for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. I do not support later-term abortion or taxpayer funding for abortions. I do not support the bill that was passed in Colorado allowing abortion up to the moment of birth.

Healthcare Groups Endorsing or Supporting Marc Catlin