Commercial Vehicle Muffler Requirements



Last Action: 01/28/2025 | House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Amended to Appropriations

Concerning muffler requirements for commercial vehicles.

Session: 2025 Regular Session

Subject: Transportation & Motor Vehicles

Bill Summary

Current law requires a commercial vehicle to have a muffler if the commercial vehicle is equipped with an engine brake. The bill requires all commercial vehicles to have a muffler. The muffler must be located so that it may be visually inspected to ensure it is present, intact, and functioning properly; except that a muffler need not be visible for inspection if certain documentation is present in the commercial vehicle and available for inspection by a peace officer. Standards are set for the necessary documentation. The fine for a violation is increased from $500 to $1,000, and the commercial vehicle may not be registered for one year unless the owner or operator shows compliance. The fine is not imposed if the owner or operator can show that a muffler was installed before the citation was issued and that the muffler complied with the manufacturing noise standards for the model year of the commercial vehicle. The fine is decreased by 50% if a muffler is installed within 30 days after the citation is written.

State agencies must include language in construction contracts stating that a contractor's or subcontractor's commercial vehicle that enters a public project site is required to comply with the bill.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)

Bill Text —>

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