Funeral Services & Consumer Protections
Last Action: 02/11/2025 | Introduced In House - Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor
Concerning protections for consumers who utilize funeral services, and, in connection therewith, distinguishing transportation protection agreements from preneed contracts and establishing a violation under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act" and under the "Mortuary Science Code" for a funeral director who commits theft of a client's money.
Session: 2025 Regular Session
Subjects: Insurance, Professions & Occupations
Bill Summary
Under current law, a "preneed contract" is a contract, agreement, or mutual understanding, or any security or other instrument that is convertible into a contract, agreement, or mutual understanding, whereby, upon the death of the preneed contract beneficiary, a final resting place, merchandise, or services are provided or performed in connection with the final disposition of the beneficiary's body. The bill states that a preneed contract does not include a transportation protection agreement, which is an agreement that primarily provides for the coordination or arrangement, by a third party that is not a general provider, of services related to:
The preparation of human remains for the purpose of transportation; or
The transportation of human remains.
The bill also makes it a deceptive trade practice under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act" as well as an unlawful act under the "Mortuary Science Code" for a funeral director to commit theft of money that a client paid for funeral services.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)